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Markus Boesch - Spielplatz-Idylle 105 cm x 105 cm Oil on Canvas

105 cm x 105 cm Oil on Canvas

Markus Boesch - Die Scheuen Menschen 170 cm x 115 cm Oil on Canvas

The shy people
170 cm x 115 cm Oil on Canvas

Die Sieger 130 cm x 100 cm Oil on Canvas

Die Sieger
100 cm x 130 cm Oil on Canvas

Markus Boesch - My friend with his son 120 cm x 80 cm Oil on Canvas

My friend with his son
80 cm x 120 cm Oil on Canvas

Markus Boesch - Wer hat Angst vor dem Naturzustand 110 cm x 160 cm Oil on Canvas

Wer hat Angst vor dem Naturzustand
110 cm x 160 cm Oil on Canvas

Markus Boesch - Self portrait of someone else 55 cm x 80 cm Oil on Canvas

Self-Portrait of Someone Else
55 cm x 80 cm Oil on Canvas

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